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갑자기 돌아가신 할머니의 죽음은 좀처럼... 뭐랄까? 실감 나지 않는다거나 받아들일 수 없었다는 표현은 적절하지 않다. 그저 요양원으로 떠나신 날처럼 다른 곳으로 떠나 신 것 같다고 해야 할까? 한 생명이 다른 생명으로 이어지며 쌓여온 긴 시간의 총체가 몸의 죽음으로 사라져버린다는 것은 믿기 힘든 일이다. 생의 기억과 감정을 망각하고 느낄 수 없게 될지라도 무형의 에너지나 어떤 형태로든 무엇이 되고 남겨질 것이라 믿는다. 바다로 띄어 보내드린 할머니는 어떤 모습으로 세계 곳곳으로 여행 중일까? 그래도 요양원 앞을 지나갈 때면 할머니가 계실 것 같은 기분은 쉽게 사라지지는 않는다.
My grandmother, who was suffering from dementia, lived in a nursing home for about a year before she passed away. Due to her worsening condition, coupled with our family circumstances, she had to move from the hospital to the nursing home, with no promise of return. It was as though her life in a confined space made things worse for not only her health but also her memory. Sometimes she would stare into the distance, and other times she would whisper into my ear that she wants to go home, as though she was in prison. The facilities seemed as if they were renovated from an office space. There were security facilities, cheerful wallpapers and window decorations. Underneath the old bodies of my grandmother and other seniors in the same patient gowns were souls lost in another reality.
Her death was rather sudden. I would not say that it had not dawned on me then. Nor would I admit that it had been difficult to accept. Instead, it felt as if she simply left the nursing home for somewhere else, just as she left the hospital for the nursing home before. It is difficult to believe that the time over the course of passing from one life to another simply vanishes as the body perishes. Memories of life will be forgotten, and feelings no longer be sensed. However, I believe that they will remain in one way or the other. We saw her off at the seashore, and I wonder in what form she would be traveling around the world. Every time I pass by the nursing home, I cannot help but feel that I would still be able to find her there.